Young Them Audition!

cullen+them is seeking members to join our new collaborative performing company, Young Them.   Young Them Audition – looking for young creatives, dancers and thinkers ages 11-12 who are interested in working collaboratively to create socially-engaged performance. Wednesday June 9th 4:30-6pm Thursday June 10th 4:30-6pm (timed slots will be assigned to adhere to COVID safety measures)  Gus Solomons’ Studio: 889 Broadway …

Messaround Manifesto

The Messaround is a life event. It is not a performance, it is not an art show, it is not crafted for anyone. Rather it is a container for happeners to occupy, and live in. This container is what allows us to see how art happens in our lives all the time – if art is what you call synchronicity, …


Hypedestrian is a technique developed by Hannah Cullen and practiced by cullen+them. The technique takes movement inspired by pedestrian acts and gestures, and then manipulates, alters and deepens those movements to create work that is both dynamic and deeply intentional. Through the process of creating material, pedestrian motions are stretched, lengthened, intensified, and altered using space, shape, size, time and …

MESSAROUND: an origin story

I didn’t want to ask for permission anymore to share the work I was creating.  I didn’t want to have to present a finished idea to start receiving feedback. I wanted to go, to be messy, to start sharing now, to listen and to learn from the people who I felt the work was for. “If you want to build empathetic …


Not able to see beauty in the mirror, trapped in scrutiny, she looks and sees nothing. Fluorescent lies to blind, criticisms pushed behind plastic eyes, she tries to hide the natural response. Because what she sees is not like the stuff she sees in magazines – flawless, serene and a man by their side. [sigh] “Why have I not found …


SPRING MESSAROUND WAS  A BLAST! We can’t wait to get messy again with you in August. Stay tuned for the announcement of our Summer MESSAROUND date and location. There will be new performance, new music, and the same great energy.

How to contribute:

If you’d like to contribute to On being them? please email your post to to with “Submissions” written in the subject box. This is a place to share your experience, learn from each other, and think critically about how we move away from the paradigm of categorization. I hope On being them? will become an active dialogue and a resource for creating community and …

Call for Submissions

empty dance floor

On occasion, cullen+them will call for submissions to participate in our events. There are currently no calls for submissions. Please sign up for our newsletter and we’ll keep you informed!

On being them.

c+t being themselves.

I have been thinking about how we use the word “them.” How we use it to describe anyone different, in some way, than us. I am wondering if the language we use to discuss impasse can be less divisive. When we place ourselves into opposing groups we isolate ourselves from what we don’t know and don’t like. Regardless if these …